Beauty tips

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Quels sont les bienfaits du thé vert ?

What are the benefits of green tea?

An ancestral medicinal plant, green tea is known the world over and consumed mainly as a hot beverage. But did you know that it also has numerous benefits for...

Qu'est ce qu'une huile sèche?

What is a dry oil?

With its non-greasy finish, multiple properties and often multi-functional uses, dry oil has become the must-have skincare product in your bathroom! But what ...

Base lissante : découvrez le secret d’une peau parfaite

Smooth base: Discover the secret of perfect skin

We may know it by name, but we rarely know what it is or how to use it. So, is the smoothing base a skincare product or a make-up product?  What i...

Cosmétiques bio, naturels, vegan : quelles différences ?

Organic, natural, vegan cosmetics: what differences?

"Organic", "natural", "vegan"... These words are familiar to you, because they've become must-haves in the world of beauty. But it's not always easy to unders...

Slow life : 4 astuces pour relâcher la pression

Slow Life: 4 tips to release the pressure

It's not always easy to stay zen and in good spirits, especially when everyday life puts us to the test! If you feel your good mood slipping away, follow our ...

Qu'est ce qu'une huile végétale?

What is a vegetable oil?

Formulation with plant oils is at the heart of NUXE's expertise. These treasures of nature have the power to work wonders on your skin. We take you on a journ...

Comment prévenir les ridules du contour des yeux ?

How to prevent fine lines of the eye contour?

The eye contour: the most sensitive area of the face. The eye contour area has very specific physiological characteristics. Not only is the skin ...
