Review publication policy
The company NUXE UK Limited, a simplified joint stock company, whose registered office is at 127 rue d’Aguesseau 92100 BOULOGNE-BILLANCOURT, France, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 642 060 123 (hereinafter “NUXE”) gives internet users the option of using the review service on this website (hereinafter “Website”) to share reviews - evaluations and comments - on NUXE products (hereinafter “Service”).
Sharing and posting a review online implies unreserved acceptance and compliance with these conditions. NUXE reserves the option of modifying and updating these conditions at any time.
1.1. The Service, which can be accessed at the address on each product sheet, is a platform that allows users of the Service to leave reviews, comments, suggestions, information or recommendations for the NUXE products they have purchased or tested and to give them a rating to inform internet users.
1.2. The reviews published by the Service users are accounts of individual experiences and express personal opinions. The information, text and content published in the reviews by the users of this Service are the responsibility of their authors. NUXE cannot therefore be held liable for this content.
1.3. During a product launch, NUXE may decide to offer some of its products to people to allow them to test them and then publish their review if they wish. It is important to point out that aside from these tests, NUXE provides no compensation for the publication of evaluations and/or reviews.
2.1 Users of the Service can submit their reviews according to the following procedures:
- “Verified reviewer”: After completing the questionnaire to submit a completed review, users of the Service will receive an email containing a link to confirm their email address. This is to ensure that the review has been written by a person and not by a robot. The review in question will be published with the badge “Verified review” as soon as the email address has been confirmed. For this type of spontaneously submitted review, NUXE is unable to confirm that the user of Service is posting a review for a product that he or she has purchased or tested.
- “Verified buyer”: Within the 12 months following the purchase of a product on the Website, if the user of the Service submits a review on the product in question, this review will be published with the badge “Verified buyer” as soon as the Service has completed the technical verifications to establish the existence of a purchase. For this type of review, NUXE is able to confirm that the user of the Service is submitting a review for a product that he or she has purchased on the Website.
2.2 By default, reviews are displayed in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. Users of the Website can choose to display them according to other criteria, such as the country or the rating.
2.3 Any user of the Service under 18 years of age must obtain prior permission from a parent or legal representative to leave a review on the Website.
3.1. Users of the Service agree to write a review of a product that they have used.
3.2. In addition to the author’s first name/a pseudonym, the review submitted must include a title, a detailed comment and an evaluation in the form of stars between one and five.
3.3. The Service must not be used as a means for publishing content contrary to good morals, public order, the rights of others or applicable laws and regulations, for example:
- content that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, racist, offensive or referring to illegal activities in all their forms.
- abuse of the freedom of expression, such as words that are malicious or consisting of a systematic and/or non-objective criticism, and derogatory or malicious terms.
- content of a violent or pornographic nature, or which is likely to disrespect people or their dignity, gender equality or the protection of children and adolescents.
- content inciting crimes and offences, violence, discrimination or racial hatred.
- content appropriating a name, email address, company name, etc.
- content reproducing in full or in part content protected by an intellectual property right and over which the users of the Service do not have rights or that constitutes infringement of a registered trademark.
3.4. The reviews must not contain:
- criticisms of other reviews published on the Website or of their authors
- medical comments on the products.
- comments relating to another product not connected to the product concerned by the review.
- random characters or sequences of words without meaning.
- comments relating to the safety of the product (any intolerances, etc.).
- comments about the service on the NUXE website.
- personal information, such as email addresses, website addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses or other information that might identify the user.
3. 5. Users of the Service are prohibited from misusing the Service for propaganda, canvassing, solicitation or proselytism, for professional, commercial or political purposes (such as advertisements, “spam” content or references to products of other brands, promotional offers or websites, etc.).
3.6. The reviews must not contravene these conditions, the legal notice and the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of the Website and must not harm the image of the NUXE brand or its sales policy. NUXE invites any user of the Service wishing to express an opinion or obtain information on the safety of products or problems encountered when placing orders to contact our Customer Services using our contact form which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
4.1 Reviews are systematically moderated by NUXE moderators before being posted online on the Website to verify the compliance of reviews with these conditions. NUXE reserves the right not to publish any review that contravenes the terms set out in these conditions. After submission, the review and evaluation can no longer be modified by the user of the Service. If the user wishes to submit another review for the product in question to replace the initial review, the user of the Service must contact Customer Service using the contact form that can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here to request the deletion of the review and submit a new one.
4.2 On average, reviews are published within a period of two weeks from their submission by the user, subject to compliance with these conditions.
4.3 Reviews remain online for a period of 5 years from their publication.
4.4. NUXE reserves the right to contact the author of the review.
4.5. Users of the Service can report a review if they have any doubt in relation to its authenticity. The report must be justifiable. For this purpose, users must contact Customer Service using the contact form which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
5.1. The texts, graphic elements, software, music, sound, photographs, images, videos, databases and any other work present on the Service are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code. Users of the Service undertake not to reproduce them without express, written prior consent from NUXE and agree not to extract data from databases used by the Service.
5.2. By posting their reviews on the Service, users expressly agree, free of charge, that NUXE may post, reproduce and represent, adapt, translate, create derived visuals and publish all or part of their reviews of the NUXE products concerned, as well as their pseudonym, if applicable, associated with their review, in any form whatsoever, by any technical method and process, for any internal and external, promotional and/or commercial communication and on all physical and digital formats worldwide, for a period of 5 years.
5.3. The formats used may be physical, graphical or printed formats, audiovisual, computerised and digital communication formats, such as the Internet, social media, electronic newsletters, digital screens and all formats known or unknown on the day the review is posted.
5.4. In publishing content, the user of the Service is liable as the author. If, in publishing on the Service, the user of the Service wishes to quote, make a reference, display or reproduce all or part of a content of which he or she is not the owner or author, the user agrees to systematically quote the source and the credits.
5.5. By posting their review on the Service, users expressly consent, free of charge, to allow NUXE to share all or part of their reviews on the NUXE products concerned along with their pseudonym, if applicable, to its partners and distributors.
6.1. As part of the Service, NUXE collects and processes personal data, particularly the last name, first name, pseudonym if applicable, and age band of users of the Service, with the understanding that reviews are published with a pseudonym. For more information on the processing of your personal data, you can consult our personal data protection policy which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
6.2. Only the fields followed by an asterisk on the collection form are information that must be provided to leave a review on the Service.
Sharing and posting a review online implies unreserved acceptance and compliance with these conditions. NUXE reserves the option of modifying and updating these conditions at any time.
1.1. The Service, which can be accessed at the address on each product sheet, is a platform that allows users of the Service to leave reviews, comments, suggestions, information or recommendations for the NUXE products they have purchased or tested and to give them a rating to inform internet users.
1.2. The reviews published by the Service users are accounts of individual experiences and express personal opinions. The information, text and content published in the reviews by the users of this Service are the responsibility of their authors. NUXE cannot therefore be held liable for this content.
1.3. During a product launch, NUXE may decide to offer some of its products to people to allow them to test them and then publish their review if they wish. It is important to point out that aside from these tests, NUXE provides no compensation for the publication of evaluations and/or reviews.
2.1 Users of the Service can submit their reviews according to the following procedures:
- “Verified reviewer”: After completing the questionnaire to submit a completed review, users of the Service will receive an email containing a link to confirm their email address. This is to ensure that the review has been written by a person and not by a robot. The review in question will be published with the badge “Verified review” as soon as the email address has been confirmed. For this type of spontaneously submitted review, NUXE is unable to confirm that the user of Service is posting a review for a product that he or she has purchased or tested.
- “Verified buyer”: Within the 12 months following the purchase of a product on the Website, if the user of the Service submits a review on the product in question, this review will be published with the badge “Verified buyer” as soon as the Service has completed the technical verifications to establish the existence of a purchase. For this type of review, NUXE is able to confirm that the user of the Service is submitting a review for a product that he or she has purchased on the Website.
2.2 By default, reviews are displayed in chronological order, from the most recent to the oldest. Users of the Website can choose to display them according to other criteria, such as the country or the rating.
2.3 Any user of the Service under 18 years of age must obtain prior permission from a parent or legal representative to leave a review on the Website.
3.1. Users of the Service agree to write a review of a product that they have used.
3.2. In addition to the author’s first name/a pseudonym, the review submitted must include a title, a detailed comment and an evaluation in the form of stars between one and five.
3.3. The Service must not be used as a means for publishing content contrary to good morals, public order, the rights of others or applicable laws and regulations, for example:
- content that is defamatory, insulting, obscene, racist, offensive or referring to illegal activities in all their forms.
- abuse of the freedom of expression, such as words that are malicious or consisting of a systematic and/or non-objective criticism, and derogatory or malicious terms.
- content of a violent or pornographic nature, or which is likely to disrespect people or their dignity, gender equality or the protection of children and adolescents.
- content inciting crimes and offences, violence, discrimination or racial hatred.
- content appropriating a name, email address, company name, etc.
- content reproducing in full or in part content protected by an intellectual property right and over which the users of the Service do not have rights or that constitutes infringement of a registered trademark.
3.4. The reviews must not contain:
- criticisms of other reviews published on the Website or of their authors
- medical comments on the products.
- comments relating to another product not connected to the product concerned by the review.
- random characters or sequences of words without meaning.
- comments relating to the safety of the product (any intolerances, etc.).
- comments about the service on the NUXE website.
- personal information, such as email addresses, website addresses, telephone numbers, postal addresses or other information that might identify the user.
3. 5. Users of the Service are prohibited from misusing the Service for propaganda, canvassing, solicitation or proselytism, for professional, commercial or political purposes (such as advertisements, “spam” content or references to products of other brands, promotional offers or websites, etc.).
3.6. The reviews must not contravene these conditions, the legal notice and the General Terms and Conditions of Sale of the Website and must not harm the image of the NUXE brand or its sales policy. NUXE invites any user of the Service wishing to express an opinion or obtain information on the safety of products or problems encountered when placing orders to contact our Customer Services using our contact form which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
4.1 Reviews are systematically moderated by NUXE moderators before being posted online on the Website to verify the compliance of reviews with these conditions. NUXE reserves the right not to publish any review that contravenes the terms set out in these conditions. After submission, the review and evaluation can no longer be modified by the user of the Service. If the user wishes to submit another review for the product in question to replace the initial review, the user of the Service must contact Customer Service using the contact form that can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here to request the deletion of the review and submit a new one.
4.2 On average, reviews are published within a period of two weeks from their submission by the user, subject to compliance with these conditions.
4.3 Reviews remain online for a period of 5 years from their publication.
4.4. NUXE reserves the right to contact the author of the review.
4.5. Users of the Service can report a review if they have any doubt in relation to its authenticity. The report must be justifiable. For this purpose, users must contact Customer Service using the contact form which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
5.1. The texts, graphic elements, software, music, sound, photographs, images, videos, databases and any other work present on the Service are protected by the French Intellectual Property Code. Users of the Service undertake not to reproduce them without express, written prior consent from NUXE and agree not to extract data from databases used by the Service.
5.2. By posting their reviews on the Service, users expressly agree, free of charge, that NUXE may post, reproduce and represent, adapt, translate, create derived visuals and publish all or part of their reviews of the NUXE products concerned, as well as their pseudonym, if applicable, associated with their review, in any form whatsoever, by any technical method and process, for any internal and external, promotional and/or commercial communication and on all physical and digital formats worldwide, for a period of 5 years.
5.3. The formats used may be physical, graphical or printed formats, audiovisual, computerised and digital communication formats, such as the Internet, social media, electronic newsletters, digital screens and all formats known or unknown on the day the review is posted.
5.4. In publishing content, the user of the Service is liable as the author. If, in publishing on the Service, the user of the Service wishes to quote, make a reference, display or reproduce all or part of a content of which he or she is not the owner or author, the user agrees to systematically quote the source and the credits.
5.5. By posting their review on the Service, users expressly consent, free of charge, to allow NUXE to share all or part of their reviews on the NUXE products concerned along with their pseudonym, if applicable, to its partners and distributors.
6.1. As part of the Service, NUXE collects and processes personal data, particularly the last name, first name, pseudonym if applicable, and age band of users of the Service, with the understanding that reviews are published with a pseudonym. For more information on the processing of your personal data, you can consult our personal data protection policy which can be accessed at the bottom of the page or by clicking here.
6.2. Only the fields followed by an asterisk on the collection form are information that must be provided to leave a review on the Service.