Our CSR commitments
NUXE deploys positive initiatives and actions around 3 fundamental pillars : ensuring virtuous supply chains and preserving biodiversity; developing respectful products, from the formula to packaging; and ensuring the well-being and fulfilment of its employees. The company is committed to ensuring its social and environmental impact.

By taking action beyond that of current regulations, NUXE promotes the
sustainable and responsible sourcing of ingredients, without compromising
quality and safety. The company evaluates its suppliers using the independent
rating organisation Ecovadis. The partners selected then sign our ethical charter, which they undertake to respect. We engage our suppliers on
complex issues such as compliance with the Nagoya Protocol (biodiversity) and
the CITES Convention (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species
of Wild Fauna and Flora).

NUXE selects its active ingredients by assessing their sustainability with very demanding criteria : geographical origin, social and environmental actions, and manufacturing processes that respect both man and the environment.
As an example, Huile Prodigieuse® contains Argan Oil mainly from an argan grove in Morocco. It comes from our supplier OLVEA Morocco; through its endowment fund, it created the MarocaVie association to support projects to protect the argan grove and promote socio-economic development. In 2023, NUXE and the OLVEA Foundation jointly launched a breast cancer awareness and screening campaign for rural populations.

The NUXE laboratory aims to ensure the traceability of 100% of its
ingredients by 2025. We use DNA analysis to genetically trace our key ingredients with the DNA Gensee laboratory : these tests make it possible to ensure the specific geographical origin of each plant and its quality. NUXE is a member of the RSPO (Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil) and has joined the ASD (Action for Sustainable Derivatives) initiative to ensure transparency and sustainable sourcing. NUXE is a founding member of the Trasce Consortium, a collaborative initiative bringing together a number of cosmetics brands and suppliers to improve their impact on the environment and local communities at every stage of the supply chain.

The brand is committed to the continuous improvement of its packaging. All new packaging is assessed using the SPICE tool (Sustainable Packaging Initiative for Cosmetics), which measures its environmental impact throughout its life cycle.
NUXE combats over-packaging by fitting its cases as close as possible to the jars of its face creams, to avoid waste.
In 2022, NUXE reduced the amount of plastic used in its packaging for the
Merveillance Lift ⁽¹⁾range by 35%. Christmas gift boxes are designed with 0% plastic and 100% fully recyclable cardboard. By 2025, NUXE is targeting a further 20% reduction in the use of plastic in its packaging.

Responsibility begins at the very heart of the company, with the development of its employees. Committed to diversity and
inclusion, the NUXE laboratory has a gender equality score of 97/100. NUXE also supports its employees with
disabilities, with the expert assistance of Handifeels.
Occupational health is also a pillar of its inclusion policy. As a partner of the Institut Curie, NUXE mobilises its employees in the fight against breast cancer. In 2024, NUXE entered into a partnership with the Foundation for Research onm Endometriosis. With the introduction of the EndoPRO programme, NUXE positions itself as an ‘endo -responsible’ company that supports employees suffering from this pathology.

Working hand in hand with its partners, NUXE's commitments are felt throughout society, across the world. The company organises fund-raising events with the Institut Curie, particularly during Pink October. The brand also helps cancer
patients through its support for the CEW (International Network of Beauty
Professionals), whose beauty centres design and equip free socio-aesthetic care
programmes in hospitals.
The laboratory is also involved with the Agence du Don en Nature, which redistributes its surplus stock and unsold products to charities that help
disadvantaged people throughout France: in 2022, more than 129,000 products
will be distributed. Last but not least, the brand takes action around the world with the 1001fontaines association, which deploys sustainable solutions to bring drinking water to vulnerable populations in Africa and Asia.
NUXE has financed the installation of 4 drinking water production stations in Cambodia, and supports the ‘Water in school’ programme in Madagascar. Since 2013, this initiative has provided nearly 72,000 beneficiaries, including 38,000 school children, with daily access to clean water.

NUXE is a partner of the GoodPlanet Foundation and is particularly involved in the ‘Women, actors in the agro-ecological transition’ project. We work with female farmers to help them change agriculture (organising technical training courses, exchange days, events for the general public, etc.) and raise awareness on gender stereotypes in
With Un toit pour les abeilles [A home for bees], NUXE is committed to
saving bees, and thus preserving biodiversity, by sponsoring beehives in the
Vosges. The company also works with the NGO OCEANOPLASTIC to combat plastic pollution in the ocean. In particular, NUXE has contributed to the organisation of 6 large-scale waste collections on the beaches of Martinique, enabling nearly 60M³ of plastic macro-waste to be removed from the Caribbean Sea.
⁽¹⁾ Comparative study (June 2021). Results for the new Merveillance Lift range vs the previous Merveillance Expert range.