Scrub: Why does your body need it?

Gommage : pourquoi votre corps en a besoin ?

Exfoliate your body: what benefits for the skin?

The skin is perpetual renewal: new cells come every day to replace the old ones, which are on the surface of the skin. From its creation to its disappearance, a skin cell lives on average 28 days during which it gradually rises towards the surface of the skin.

But this renewal can slow down, especially when you get older and the oldest cells then accumulate on the surface. This is where the scrub : Exfoliate your skin helps dead cells to peel off and stimulates the arrival of new cells to replace them. In other words: an essential gesture when you dream of soft and bright skin!

Not to mention that the scrub is as much good to the skin as to morale ... existing in a variety of textures and perfumes, the body scrub is one of the most sensory products of the care ritual. 

What is the perfect time for a scrub?

It is recommended to erase your body 1 to 2 times a week. The ideal is to do your scrub just before spinning because eliminating dead cells eliminates the hair more easily and preventing the appearance of embodied hair.

Do not hesitate to plan a scrub before leaving in the sun, this makes it possible to obtain a more uniform tan. On the return from the holidays, the operation is renewed to improve the brightness of the tan by eliminating the dead cell layer that tarnishes it.

We don't give up either in winter , to keep a smooth and soft skin despite the cold that dries it up and friction of the clothes that make it rough. 

What care is for me?

Most body scrubs are mechanical scrubs: exfoliation takes place thanks to small grains integrated into the formula, which takes off the dead cells by massage. This can be natural grains (kernel or fruit shells for example), particles that have the interest of being easily biodegradable once the treatment is rinsed.

We can also opt for sugar crystals Or salt, which gradually melted in contact with wet skin. The ideal being to choose a formula that mixes grains of different types and sizes, for an even more effective exfoliation. 

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How to make your scrub even more effective?

Moisten the whole body, then pour a little scrub into the hollow of your hand. Apply it all over the body, priority to areas where the skin is thicker: knees, elbows, upper arms ...

Then massage on the whole body by circular movements, with a pressure suitable for the sensitivity of each area: go smoothly, no need to be aggressive to smooth the skin grain effectively. Then rinse meticulously with lukewarm water to properly eliminate all the grains.

Once the skin is dried, it's time to hydrate the skin, an essential step after a scrub. Generously apply your body treatment (a fluid, a milk or a balm, to choose according to your skin type and your preferences).

Unless you opt for a 2 in 1, exfoliating and nourishing scrub (like the Nourishing body scrub dream of honey® , rich in vegetable oils and shea butter), which leaves a protective nutritive veil directly on the skin: the secret tip of pressed girls. 

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