How to adopt a more eco-responsible beauty routine

Comment adopter une routine beauté plus éco-responsable

Want to transform your beauty routine to make it more eco-responsible? Here are a few simple tips and gestures to adopt on a daily basis. And there's even more good news: in addition to being environmentally friendly and responsible for the planet, these gestures will save you money. A good deed for the planet and for your wallet!

Tips for your bathroom

  • Forget your classic disposable cotton pads, which, when added up over the year, represent a significant amount of waste, and replace them with their reusable equivalents. They come in a range of different materials, so the choice is yours!
  • Toothbrushes also have a more ecological version! Made from bamboo or with replaceable heads, they save you from having to buy a conventional plastic brush every 3 months.
  • Oriculi isn't just a fancy word! Originating in Asia, this small bamboo or metal stick is also an excellent alternative to cotton buds. They can be used for life, and can be found almost everywhere in pharmacies and drugstores.
  • Reuse your cream jars as you see fit: to store jewelry, seeds or even as a pot for your plants, there are many ways to avoid getting rid of them!
  • Removing make-up with oil is also an excellent way of avoiding the use of cotton pads, and can be a good alternative.
  • Remember to turn off the tap when brushing your teeth, showering or scrubbing your face or body.

Go further: home tips

In addition to your beauty routine, here are a few simple habits and gestures you can adopt to make your everyday actions more eco-responsible:

  • Even if it may seem obvious or basic, sorting your waste correctly is the first step towards a more planet-friendly lifestyle. If possible, buy glass bottles rather than plastic or cardboard, as the latter can be recycled more often than the former.
  • Always carry a totebag with you: it's practical and space-saving, and will help you cut down on plastic bag purchases. Bonus: there are also small cotton bags for fruit and vegetables!
  • Go as plastic-free as possible: opt for a cup, bottle or flask and cutlery, especially at work, to avoid accumulating single-use plastic waste such as coffee cups or plastic cutlery.
  • Drink tap water whenever possible, to avoid over-consumption of plastic bottles, which are difficult to recycle.
  • Another eco-friendly gesture: reuse your cooking water, once cooled, to water your plants, which will be all the happier for it!

Every little gesture you make is one more thing you can do for the planet: adopt these habits on a daily basis and the environment will thank you!

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