Slow Life: 4 tips to release the pressure

Slow life : 4 astuces pour relâcher la pression

It's not always easy to stay zen and in good spirits, especially when everyday life puts us to the test! If you feel your good mood slipping away, follow our simple but effective tips for a fresh start! 

Breathe in... Breathe out

Feel your anxiety level rising? Try cardiac coherence. The technique: inhale slowly and deeply through the nose, counting to five, then exhale just as slowly, this time through the mouth, but still counting to five. Repeated for three to five minutes, this breathing technique is highly effective in regulating heart rate and reducing pressure. Meditation can also be a great daily ally in helping you to clear your mind: many apps offer step-by-step guidance. 

Remember to switch off

Smartphones, tablets, computers... they're all invaluable tools for keeping up with the news and keeping in touch with loved ones, but they also have a way of making us addicted, and sometimes even on edge! How about a daily digital detox of at least an hour? The aim is to let go and give your eyes and mind a break. During this "off" time, choose a relaxing activity, preferably without a screen: puzzle, coloring, or simply a good book, even if you only have time to read a few pages. 

Get moving... and sleep!

Sport is unrivalled for boosting morale, thanks to the release of endorphins, more commonly known as "pleasure hormones". Regular physical activity (yoga, fitness, gym...) is an indispensable asset for relieving stress. Sport also helps you fall asleep and get a good night's sleep. And a good night's sleep is essential for managing emotions. 

Pamper yourself

Taking time out for yourself is essential to your well-being: let's not underestimate the benefits of a cocooning break! An exfoliating scrub, a face mask: these little beauty pleasures do as much for your skin as they do for your morale. Once a week, treat yourself to a hot bath (between 34°C and 38°C), for twenty minutes of relaxation accompanied by a few candles and a feel-good playlist. On your way out, take the time to massage yourself from head to toe with your favorite body cream or oil. The reassuring power of touch and the scent of your favorite skincare products: there's nothing like it to put a smile on your face.

Slow life = Vivre lentement

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