conseils beauté

Our beauty advice inherited from our moms and grandmothers

Application de crème

Our mothers and grandmothers are our first beauty influencers! They teach us how to care for our skin with the right products and the right reflexes. Over the years, they've given us all their secrets for a luminous complexion, impeccable make-up and delaying the appearance of signs of aging. Good news: we've gathered together the 10 best beauty tips handed down from generation to generation!

Our family beauty tips

It's from our mothers, grandmothers and aunts that we learn how to look after our skin. They all have a favorite product or a little trick to keep their complexion fresh and radiant. These tips are invaluable in creating a tailor-made beauty ritual that you too can share when the time comes.

Top 10 of our family beauty secrets

What if these were the 10 most valuable beauty tips for beautiful skin? By adopting these secrets handed down by the women in our lives, you'll have a radiant complexion year after year.

Always remove make-up before going to bed

This is the foundation of every beauty ritual. Whether it's a light beauty routine, an evening make-up routine or even if you're not wearing anything at all, make a habit of always removing your make-up at night. Yes, even if you don't wear make-up, dust and pollution are deposited on your face. Cleansing your skin is an essential step before applying your night care products. Milk, cleansing gel, micellar water, foam or jelly : make-up removers can be adapted to all skin types, but also to all tastes.

Wear sunscreen even in the city

No, the sunscreen isn't just for the beach or on vacation! When the sun is shining brightly or you're spending a summer's day roaming the city, remember to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays.

Drink water all day long

Skin care also involves nutrition. To keep your metabolism at peak performance, try to drink throughout the day. By distributing your water intake in this way, you'll avoid skin dehydration and give yourself the best chance of beautiful skin. Remember, skin is 70% water!

Never go out in winter without lip balm

Cold and wind are the most fearsome duo for your lips. As soon as the thermometer starts to fall, before venturing outside, apply lip balm. Infused with moisturizing and nourishing active ingredients, it protects your pout from external aggressors. Don't forget to slip it into your bag to apply throughout the day.

Always apply a mask after your weekly scrub

When it comes to skin care, exfoliants are your best ally for radiance. However, once their grains have cleansed your skin of impurities, remember to apply a mask. The skin is then particularly receptive to the active ingredients contained in this treatment. Then remember to apply a moisturizing cream to help reconstitute the skin's protective barrier.

Apply cream to neck and décolleté too

Serum, day or night cream: get into the habit of applying them to your neck and décolleté too. These two areas are also subject to skin aging. The various products in your facial beauty routines are perfectly suited to application to these parts of the body. They boost skin hydration and provide key active ingredients to combat external aggression and the signs of aging.

Slip a hand cream into your bag

One of the beauty gestures inherited from our mothers and grandmothers is the use of a hand cream. Between repeated washing, the cold and the sun, they are exposed to many aggressions in summer and winter alike. It's best to apply a dab of cream every time you wash your hands. It's also a great anti-aging reflex.

Keep eye contour care in the fridge

Place your eye care product eye contour in your refrigerator door, you'll enjoy a cooling effect as you apply it. The cold has a decongestant effect: if you have puffiness, this trick helps to reduce it. It also reduces dark circles.

Get at least 7 hours' sleep a night

Sleep is the key not only to your health, but also to the beauty of your skin. Nights are a privileged time for its regeneration. After having spent the day defending itself, it takes advantage of your sleep to renew itself, and the production of collagen and elastin is stimulated. Night skin care products are designed to support this activity. Finally, don't forget to avoid screens at least 1h30 before bedtime to help you fall asleep more easily.

Tricks to keep your tan

Exposure to the sun accelerates skin ageing: applying sun protection is a genuine anti-ageing gesture. If you want to achieve a golden tan while preserving your skin's youthful appearance, opt for self-tanner! The new NUXE Moisturizing Self-Tanning Mousse glides onto the skin for streak-free application. Enriched with hyaluronic acid, it reinforces skin hydration. A natural golden tan appears from the very first application. You can then modulate its intensity by reapplying every 2 or 3 days.

Why choose NUXE for your beauty routine?

An expert in natural cosmetology for 30 years, NUXE develops innovative skin care products made in France. From design to manufacture, NUXE sets the highest standards of quality and safety. Raw materials are carefully selected to create natural, effective, sensorial formulas with the smallest possible environmental footprint. By choosing active ingredients of natural origin as well as plant oils for its men's and women's skin care products, NUXE offers you a unique beauty experience. Delicious textures and intoxicating fragrances transform each application into a moment of pleasure crowned by visible results.

With these 10 beauty secrets inherited from the women in our families, you'll know the essential gestures for a successful beauty routine!

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