How to prevent fine lines of the eye contour?

Comment prévenir les ridules du contour des yeux ?

The eye contour: the most sensitive area of the face.

The eye contour area has very specific physiological characteristics. Not only is the skin very thin, with a thickness of around 0.05mm compared to 1mm for the rest of the face, but it is also an area with a low level of support fibers such as collagen and elastin.

It has few sebaceous glands (glands that secrete sebum, which limits skin dryness) compared to the rest of the body, so it's more prone to dehydration and marks more quickly. It's also an area that's highly exposed to external environmental aggressors, such as UV rays, pollution, wind...

The eye contour area is also a place where the skin is constantly solicited, notably by the 30,000 lash beats we make every day! To ensure these movements, the eye contour is made up of a total of 22 muscles, 14 of which activate every 10 seconds.

All these factors contribute to the appearance of the first signs of ageing: the skin becomes slack, dehydrated, fine lines and wrinkles appear... This is an area that needs attention. 

How can I prevent fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes?

The eye contour is a particularly sensitive and fragile area, so it's the one that marks itself most quickly. To help prevent aging, here are a few tips to follow on a daily basis:

Remove make-up properly.

This is the first essential step, as make-up must be applied to clean, dry skin.

With a micellar watera milk or a cleansing oilThere are all kinds of textures to suit your preferences.

Our advice: if you're using waterproof mascara, avoid rubbing too hard, as this can irritate your eyes and cause lashes to fall out. Instead, use an oil-based make-up remover, or place a cotton pad soaked in make-up remover on your eye for a few seconds: this will make make make-up removal all the easier.

Apply eye contour care daily.

After removing make-up, apply an eye cream. eye contour care preferably morning and evening. This specific eye care product not only moisturizes and protects the eye area from external aggressors, but also targets fine lines and wrinkles, as well as sagging. 

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