How to have beautiful skin at any age?

Comment avoir une belle peau à tout âge?

Work, sport, children, family... In a busy day-to-day life where juggling personal and professional life is commonplace, it's sometimes hard to find the time to pamper yourself. And yet, it's important to take time out for yourself to keep your skin looking beautiful and youthful! Here are 8 tips and good habits to adopt on a daily basis for radiant skin and a feeling of well-being:

  1. Drink enough water every day and moisturize your skin every day from the age of 20 with a skin care product suited to your skin type.
  2. Eat as healthily as possible, avoiding saturated fats, and opt for a balanced diet rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as green tea, citrus fruits and nuts.
  3. Get regular exercise - your body will love you for it!
  4. Limit your alcohol and tobacco consumption, and your complexion will be all the more radiant for it!
  5. Sleep according to your needs should also be part of your good habits. A rested body is a healthier body, both physically and mentally.
  6. Of course, don't forget to adopt a good beauty routine and to take care of your skin. make-up removal and cleansing morning and evening to remove all impurities. Then use cosmetic treatments adapted to your skin's needs, to help it cope with external aggressors (wind, cold, pollution...) during the day, and allow skin cells to renew themselves at night.
  7. Take the time to pamper your skin: make masks and scrubs and scrubs once or twice a week, then apply your cream day cream or  night cream by taking the time to massage yourself.
  8. Finally, the right reflex: adopt a good protection for each exposure to the sun, such as a sunblock. SPF 10, 20, 30 or 50 depending on your skin type (fair, medium, dark, etc.) and level of sun exposure (low to moderate, intense, extreme...).

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